Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Semester

One semester done, one to go! Well that's not really true because I'll be taking classes this summer but whatever. So its a 2008, and I had a strange moment yesterday. I was watching a movie made in 1999, and said that wasn't too long ago, then I stopped and thought and realized that it was almost 10 years ago! This really did a number on me, and now I feel either old, or that the last 9 years have flown by. Its tough when you have reached a point where you can measure decades and actually remember them. I guess this will only happen once or twice, because after 40 you can't remember what you did yesterday, never mind what's happened over the last decade. Enough of that though.

Classes started today, as yesterday was a snow day! I'd say I'm excited about some classes I have, but others not so much. I will say that I am most excited to start a class called Sports Crisis, which is being co-taught by a member of the 1972 undefeated Dolphins. A class based on handling professional athletes in crisis.... hmmm sounds like what I do pretty much everyday at work, so how hard could this course be? Anyways, it's nice to be back in a rhythm and hopefully this semester will go as well as the first one did.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I don't think that once you hit 40 you end up forgetting what you did yesterday but I won't argue with you because I know I'll lose!